Inguinal Hernias

What is an inguinal hernia

An inguinal hernia is usually caused by a weakness in the groin area where a hole is, that fat or intestine can travel down or through.  There are different types of inguinal hernias or hernias that occur in the groin area (indirect inguinal hernias, direct inguinal hernias, femoral hernias).  Some people may notice discomfort or pain in the groin that may or may not refer or extend towards the testicle in males or the labia in females.  Some people may notice a bulge in the groin that can be reducible but not always.  Some people experience both.  If you think you have an inguinal hernia, you should be evaluated by a medical professional.

What surgeries can be done for an inguinal hernia

There are open inguinal hernia repair options as well as laparoscopic and robotic laparoscopic options.  If you feel you have an inguinal hernia, you should be evaluated by a surgeon.  At that evaluation, your surgeon may recommend a surgical option for you based upon your medical history and your particular hernia, among other factors.